Co-Principal Investigator

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1998-2002, Ocean University of China, Bachelor

2002-2007, Ocean University of China, Ph.D 


Research experiences

2007-2010, University of Texas at Austin, Postdoctoral Associate

2011-Present, Ocean University of China, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor 


Main research directions and interests

My research interests focus on shellfish reproductive biology. In view of the diversified reproductive modes of marine shellfish, the cutting-edge technologies such as genomics, transcriptomics and gene network are used to uncover the molecular mechanisms of sex determination, differentiation and gametogenesis of marine shellfishand to explore the ways to realize reproductive regulation of shellfish.

We have systematically studied the evolution of sex-determining genes in a variety of representative dioecious scallops, analyzed the molecular mechanism of sex differentiation in aquaculture shellfish such as Patinopecten yessoensis and Argopecten irradians, and established genetic sex identification methods for various economic shellfish, as well as techniques to regulate testis development for hermaphroditic scallops.


Representative publications (#equal contribution; *corresponding author)

1. Han W#, Liu L#, Wang J#, Wei H#, Li Y#, Zhang L#, Guo Z, Li Y, Liu T, Zeng Q, Xing Q, Shu Y, Wang T, Yang Y, Zhang M, Li R, Yu J, Pu Z, Lv J, Lian S, Hu J, Hu X, Bao Z, Bao L*, Zhang L*, Wang S*. Ancient homomorphy of molluscan sex chromosomes sustained by reversible sex-biased genes and sex determiner translocation. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2022, 6, 1891-1906.

2. Li Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Huilan Wei, Wu S, Liu T, Shu Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, Wang S, Bao Z, Zhang L*. Dynamic transcriptome analysis reveals the gene network of gonadal development from the early history life stages in dwarf surfclam Mulinia lateralis. Biology of Sex Differences. 2022, 13: 69.

3. Liu T, Li R, Liu L, Wu S, Zhang L, Li Y, Wei H, Shu Y, Yang Y, Wang S, Xing Q, Zhang L*, Bao Z. The effect of temperature on gonadal sex differentiation of Yesso scallop Patinopecten yessoensis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2022, 9: 803046.

4. Wei H, Li W, Liu T, Li Y, Liu L, Shu Y, Zhang L, Wang S, Xing Q, Zhang L*, Bao Z. Sexual development of the hermaphroditic scallop Argopecten irradians revealed by morphological, endocrine and molecular Analysis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021, 9: 646754.

5. Zhang M#, Wei H#, Liu T, Li W, Li Y, Wang S, Xing Q, Hu X, Zhang L*, Bao Z. Potential GnRH and steroidogenesis pathways in the scallop Patinopecten yessoensis. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2020, 204: 105756.

6. Wang J#, Zhang L#, Lian S#, Qin Z#, Zhu X#, Dai X, Huang Z, Ke C, Zhou Z, Wei J, Liu P, Hu N, Zeng Q, Dong B, Dong Y, Kong D, Zhang Z, Liu S, Xia Y, Li Y, Zhao L, Xing Q, Huang X, Hu X, Bao Z & Wang S*. Evolutionary transcriptomics of metazoan biphasic life cycle supports a single intercalation origin of metazoan larvae. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2020, 4: 725-736.

7. Xing Q#, Zhang L#, Li Y, Zhu X, Li Y, Guo H, Bao Z, Wang S*. Development of novel cardiac indices and assessment of factors affecting cardiac activity in a bivalve mollusc Chlamys farreri. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019, 10: 293.

8. Li Y#, Zhang L#,*, Li R, Zhang M, Li Y, Wang H, Wang S, Bao Z. Systematic identification and validation of the reference genes from 60 RNA-Seq libraries in the scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis. BMC Genomics. 2019, 20: 288.

9. Li R#, Zhang L#,*, Li W, Zhang Y, Li Y, Zhang M, Zhao L, Hu X, Wang S, Bao Z. FOXL2 and DMRT1L are Yin and Yang genes for determining timing of sex differentiation in the bivalve mollusk Patinopecten yessoensis. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018, 9: 1166.

10.Zhang M, Wang Y, Li Y, Li W, Li R, Xie X, Wang S, Hu X, Zhang L*, Bao Z. Identification and characterization of neuropeptides by transcriptome and proteome analyses in a bivalve mollusc Patinopecten yessoensis. Frontiers in Genetics. 2018, 9: 197.

11. Li Y, Zhang L*, Sun Y, Ma X, Wang J, Li R, Zhang M, Wang S, Hu X, Bao Z. Transcriptome sequencing and comparative analysis of ovary and testis identifies potential key sex-related genes and pathways in scallop Patinopecten yessoensis. Marine Biotechnology. 2016, 18: 453-465.

12. Xing Q, Li Y, Guo H, Yu Q, Huang X, Wang S, Hu X, Zhang L*, Bao Z. Cardiac performance: a thermal tolerance indicator in scallops. 2016, Marine Biology. 163: 244.

13. Wang S#, Lv J#, Zhang L#, Dou J, Sun Y, Li X, Fu X, Dou H, Mao J, Hu X & Bao Z*. MethylRAD: a simple and scalable method for genome-wide DNA methylation profiling using methylation-dependent restriction enzymes. Open Biology. 2015, 5: 150130.

14. Fu X#, Sun Y#, Wang J, Xing Q, Zou J, Li R, Wang Z, Wang S, Hu X, Zhang L*, Bao Z*. Sequencing-based gene network analysis provides a core set of gene resource for understanding thermal adaptation in Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2014, 14: 184-198.

15. Zhang Y, Zhang R, Zou J, Hu X, Wang S, Zhang L*, Bao Z*. Identification and characterization of four ferritin subunits involved in immune defense of the Yesso scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2013, 34: 1178-1187.

16. Zhang L, Hou R, Su H, Hu X, Wang S* & Bao Z*. Network analysis of oyster transcriptome revealed a cascade of cellular responses during recovery after heat shock. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7: e35484. 



Lingling Zhang



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