
Congratulations! Dr. Jing Wang received the grant of YESS Program by CAST

Recently, Dr. Jing Wangreceived the grant of the 6th Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program. The YESS Program was initiated by China Association f···

Our study on the origin and evolution of molluscan red-bloodedness was published in MBE

On February 2, 2021, we published the latest research"Genomic insights into the origin and evolution of molluscan red-bloodedness in the blood cl···

Our work was selected as Top 10 scientific and technological advances in Oceanography and Limnology of China!

Recently, the voting results of the top 10 scientific and technological advances in Oceanography and Limnology of China (2020) were announced. This an···

We released the world's first comprehensive mollusc genome database

On October 23, 2020,Nucleic Acids Researchpublished online the first comprehensive molluscan genomics database "MolluscDB: an integrated function···

Our marine larvae evolution study was published in Nature Ecology & Evolution

On March 16, 2020, we published the latest research"Evolutionary transcriptomics of metazoan biphasic life cycle supports a single intercalation ···

We published HD-Marker: a highly multiplexed and flexible approach for targeted genotyping

On December 04,2018, Professor Zhenmin Bao's team at Ocean University of China have developed a high-throughput, sequencing-based GoldenGate appro···

We published our new findings on adaptive evolution of scallops in Nature Communications

On November 23, 2017,Nature Communicationspublished online our latest paper "Scallop genome reveals molecular adaptations to semi-sessile life an···

We published new whole-genome restriction mapping technology using "Subhaploid"-Based RAD Sequencing

On July 01, 2017, our group havedeveloped a sequencing-based HAPPY mapping approach called RadMap, whichprovides an efficient and flexible tool for hi···

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